Parker Marx

Porn Actor and Performer

Parker Marx is one of my absolute favorite actors to work with. With his gorgeously expressive face, he's like the guy you see in the subway and fall in love with immediately. He's a delight to work with, especially when challenged! He has performed in some of my most imaginative and fantastic films, giving him a chance to really showcase his talent: he became a vampire in Can Vampires Smell my Period, he was tied up not once but twice, in Carne, and stars in my Shibari Documentary Tie Me Up! He also gets picked up and forced to ride naked by a gorgeous motorcycle woman inThe Bitchhiker. Keep your eyes on Parker Marx everyone!

Porn Photos by Parker Marx

Parker Marx movies & porn videos

Erika Lust Original
Erika Lust Original
Erika Lust Original
Erika Lust Original
Erika Lust Original
Erika Lust Original
Erika Lust Original
Erika Lust Original
Erika Lust Original
Erika Lust Original

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Parker Marx movies & porn videos