Anxos Efe

Porn director

Anxos Efe graduated in Audiovisual Communication and later optained a master's degree in Film Direction. She developed the webseries "Fame", winner of the Prize for best webseries in the Galician language at the Carballo Interplay Digital Content Festival 2015 and finalist of the 2015 Mestre Mateo Awards.

Another fundamental experience is her work in the management team of "Las Altas Presiones", a film createdf by Ángel Santos. The sum of all these experiences lead to the realization of the short films "Directions" and "Born in September", both selected at the Cans Film Festival.

She currently combines her work as a director with that of an assistant director and script writer in different projects. Her last short film, "Area", has been selected for several international festivals. In addition, she is immersed in the process of distributing her first feature film, "A Violent Station", an adaptation of the homonymous novel by Manuel Jabois, produced by Matriuska.

Fame, Directions, Born in September

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Erika Lust Original

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