Female Fantasy
12 min
2015Based on Female Fantasy a confession by AliciaandZara
“I dream about sexy men in public areas, I dream about touching sexy men in pubic areas, I dream about them touching me, I dream about people passing by, I dream about their horniness, I dream about sharing sexual experiences, I dream about sexual liberation and sexy men.”
Director: Alicia Hansen and Zara Kjellner
Performers: Jaana Alakosi
I've got a treat for you! This release is special because it's the first time ever we're bringing in an outside production to XConfessions. I've picked one that lies close to my heart – Female Fantasy. This is the first film directed by Zara Kjellner and Alicia Hansen, two young Swedish women who've started the project New Level Of Pornography, an initiative to help make female-led erotica even stronger. I knew I had to invite them to show their sexy first film here at XConfessions. The film is all about the power of female fantasy and the passion and pleasures of meeting a stranger at dawn... I love it, and I think you will too!