Hot fuck on frozen lake
A Sexual Fantasy
Winter of 2007.
The scenario is Winnipesaukee, a beautiful big lake in Laconia. In the winter, the lake is frozen.
I am driving a Jeep. The girl with me is a fun, gorgeous and adventurer brunette. We've met the week before that and she was so excited to see the fishing cabins that fisherman build on the surface of the lake to fish in wintertime.
We walk over the frozen lake and cheer some of the fishermen.
We come back to the car when the sun starts to set.
Now is nighttime, and she asks me if we can drive over the frozen lake. I say we can, it is safe. We start driving. She asks me to stop the car in the middle of the lake. We get off the car and ley on the icen floor.
We start to kiss. The silence is something crazy. It is scary and at the same time so exciting. Our bodies are warm, we take off our pants.
We fuck right there, over a frozen lake, under the stars, in open air, in the abysmal silence of the remote place we were in. My orgasm is the strongest I've ever had.
Suddenly everything gets illuminated by some distant fireworks.
Happy New Year.
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