Cool me down
A Sexual Fantasy
It's the middle of the summer. The temperature is beyond any scale. We're boiling in our garden, eating ice creams to cool down our bodies. We quickly realize that the only parts of our bodies that gets cooler are our mouths. You look at me with this spark in your eyes, pointing first on your lips then traveling your finger down your body, exposing stiff nipple from beneath your skimpy bra, letting me know where you want my own frosty lips to wander. Before you reach your pussy I am already rock hard, thinking about your cool mouth over it as well. I finish my ice cream first and you watch me crawling between your legs as you still enjoy your own. It doesn't take long before your lips are on me as well and we cool each other down until our mouths are warm again. Fortunately, there is still a bucket of ice on the table with already cooled bottle of wine in it...
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