Amanda Westcott

Porn photograph

Amanda Westcott is a Hong Kong born, Canadian, living in America. She is a co-founder of AK Collective, a media production company, based in Brooklyn, New York. She is a full time photographer, part time everything else. Amanda specializes in portrait photography. Her go-getter attitude is no short of an extreme couponer. For over a decade she has worked with a roster of notable clients, some even your relatives have heard of, such as Showtime Network, CBS, Vanity Fair, The Rolling Stone, and Spotify to just name drop a few. As well as some top advertising agencies including, BBDO, Proximity, Anomaly, 23 Stories, and JWT.

She can be seen more often than not, photographing World Champion boxers both in and out of the ring, even sparring herself during down time. She is obsessed with her cat Pixel, and like Oprah, loves bread. She lives by the words of cliches and inspirational posters. Her life goal is to be Asian Betty White.

Porn Photos by Amanda Westcott

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